今天在 bugs.kde.org 上看到一段对话,差点没把我逗死: (原文:http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=161673)
Kevin Kofler 2008-09-27 10:38:31 Comment #31
... The history as I recall it (and I do have experience with old M$ systems) is ... ... And this shows that you don't have enough experience with M$ codepages to make such a change. CP 1252 obviously doesn't work because it's a Window$ codepage, not an "OEM codepage" (i.e. DO$ codepage) and FAT uses "OEM codepages". ......
... The history as I recall it (and I do have experience with old M$ systems) is ... ... And this shows that you don't have enough experience with M$ codepages to make such a change. CP 1252 obviously doesn't work because it's a Window$ codepage, not an "OEM codepage" (i.e. DO$ codepage) and FAT uses "OEM codepages". ......
Jeff Mitchell 2008-09-27 16:37:10 Comment #34
Could you $top u$ing dollar $igns everywhere? It looks $upremely $tupid.
Could you $top u$ing dollar $igns everywhere? It looks $upremely $tupid.
Kevin Kofler 2008-09-27 18:59:05 Comment #35
I consider this part of freedom of expression.
I consider this part of freedom of expression.
Jeff Mitchell 2008-09-27 19:13:32 Comment #36
You're right. Here's my freedom of expression: It makes you look like a moron. Also, it makes what you are saying much more annoying to read.
You're right. Here's my freedom of expression: It makes you look like a moron. Also, it makes what you are saying much more annoying to read.
Andreas Pakulat 2008-09-28 10:52:25 Comment #37
Could you two please discuss that via private mail? Such mails in a public bug reporting website doesn't gain any of you two anything, except a bad public image. Which also might fall back to KDE in general, because this is KDE's bugreporting website. We're not in kindergarten here.
Could you two please discuss that via private mail? Such mails in a public bug reporting website doesn't gain any of you two anything, except a bad public image. Which also might fall back to KDE in general, because this is KDE's bugreporting website. We're not in kindergarten here.
哈哈哈哈,Geek 的世界还是很逗的~~