

今天在 bugs.kde.org 上看到一段对话,差点没把我逗死: (原文:http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=161673

Kevin Kofler 2008-09-27 10:38:31 Comment #31
... The history as I recall it (and I do have experience with old M$ systems) is ... ... And this shows that you don't have enough experience with M$ codepages to make such a change. CP 1252 obviously doesn't work because it's a Window$ codepage, not an "OEM codepage" (i.e. DO$ codepage) and FAT uses "OEM codepages". ......
Jeff Mitchell 2008-09-27 16:37:10 Comment #34
Could you $top u$ing dollar $igns everywhere? It looks $upremely $tupid.
Kevin Kofler 2008-09-27 18:59:05 Comment #35
I consider this part of freedom of expression.
Jeff Mitchell 2008-09-27 19:13:32 Comment #36
You're right. Here's my freedom of expression: It makes you look like a moron. Also, it makes what you are saying much more annoying to read.
Andreas Pakulat 2008-09-28 10:52:25 Comment #37
Could you two please discuss that via private mail? Such mails in a public bug reporting website doesn't gain any of you two anything, except a bad public image. Which also might fall back to KDE in general, because this is KDE's bugreporting website. We're not in kindergarten here.

哈哈哈哈,Geek 的世界还是很逗的~~

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